Improved Office Environment Can Improve Attitude

The sunshine after a dreary winter seems to invigorate us. We start to clean our houses, throw open the windows and enjoy the fresh air. Spring cleaning is also important for businesses. We need to organize, discard, rearrange, redecorate and document. We need a fresh look!James Kuster, of Kuester Design in Indianapolis, suggests that when considering changing your office colors, think hard about how you feel while at work. Are you anxious, irritable, have difficulty concentrating? Or, are you excited, energized, and focused? If the former better describes your workspace than the latter, take a look at the office décor. One’s environment has a direct bearing on one’s mood and energy level.Look at the color choices for the walls. Are they institutional, boring, drab? How do they make you feel? You and everyone else in the office will be more productive if the colors stimulate and make you feel “up beat” and positive.Does your office have areas where small groups can comfortably gather to exchange ideas, stretch their legs, and get away from the desk for a few minutes? Are there comfortable chairs, sofas, and ottomans available? How about chalkboards and white boards for doodling ideas on? Carve out a space where this can happen. Bring in dividers that can separate a small area and serve as an idea and relaxation lounge.None of this has to cost a lot, either. If painting the walls is not in the budget, buying bright framed posters and hanging them on the wall can make a huge impact. Colorful rugs can change the look and feel of a room and hallway. And fresh flowers always bring a bright feeling to any office environment.Last, but not least, Look at your entry area. This is the first impression visitors make about your company. Keeping it clean, fresh and welcoming is very important.These small changes create a better work environment; everyone will enjoy coming to work more. Thus, more gets done while they are there.This is also the perfect time to organize your desk. We all know how important it is to be efficient and organized. Just like a clean room, a clean desk brings a bit of peace and tranquility to a busy day. According to you can complete the following 8 steps in just a few minutes.1. Remove everything from your desktop. Place your phone on your left if you’re right handed and on the right if you’re left handed.2. Keep a spiral notebook by the phone for messages and phone notes.3. Open your planner or turn on your PDA and place it on your desk. Use it to keep track of to-dos, follow-ups and ideas.4. Keep office supplies in one drawer only. Buy a dozen of your favorite, inexpensive pens and keep them in a tray in the drawer.5. Sort through your desk files. Keep in your desk drawers only files you use weekly or those that are personal or confidential.6. Place your computer at a 90 degree angle to your desk. Keep your desk work surface clear of everything except essentials and your current project.7. Set up a system for active files. Sort your paperwork into it: Do, Consider, Awaiting Answer, File, Hold, Read and Refer.8. Take ten minutes at the end of each day to keep your desk organized. Place tomorrow’s top priority project in the center of your desk.Once you’ve created your fresh look, and have an organized desktop, there is one more project to complete. Spring is also the perfect time to take inventory of your business assets. It is important to record all equipment, furniture and electronics. Then, as new items are purchased, you can just add them to your list that has already been created. Each year forward, you’ll remember to review your list and make sure all new items were added and any discarded items are removed from your asset inventory.

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